Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wednesday 6/30/10

Eff. It's like the world was out to destroy my healthy eating today.

Had a late start, no breakfast.

Lunch: I was running late so I had to pick something up and eat in the car on the way to school. Went to McDonald's and ordered a grilled chicken sandwich and a yogurt. What I received in my bag was a grilled chicken sandwich and french fries. By the time I had opened the bag I was already on the interstate so I just ate what I had. Strike one.

Snacks: Light baby cheese, apple, 1 oz. roasted peanuts, all distributed through the afternoon. At least those were healthy.

Dinner: Had to stay late to write a group paper. I was just going to wait and eat when I got home, but one of my group mates brought two freaking pizzas to our meeting. Ack! I had one slice of pepperoni and one bread stick. Strike two.

I was planning on eating something like a salad when I got home to round out my dinner, but I was way too tired. Dragged myself to the grocery store finally.

Snack: Quaker oatmeal squares cereal with 1% milk.

Summary of today: blah.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tuesday 6/29/10

Breakfast: D'Light sandwich.

Lunch: What I call "Lazy Casserole." AKA some Stouffer's thing that you just stick in the oven for about an hour. It has rice, chicken and veggies. Not terribly healthy but the first half of my day was shitty and I didn't feel like making anything. Diet soda.

Dinner: Polenta rounds that I fried up in a tiny bit of vegetable oil, topped with homemade tomato sauce. Salad with honey mustard dressing. Which, much to my dismay, I discovered is NOT healthier than the ranch dressing I have. Sad, since the whole reason I bought it was a healthier substitute! Oh yes and a Fiber One banana chocolate chip muffin for dessert.

So, I'm feeling a bit better today. I didn't eat great, but I didn't eat at McDonald's and/or out of a frosting can. I need to go to the store badly, so I'll have to do that tomorrow. I'll get tons of healthy stuff.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Weekend of Woe

I have no good excuses for not posting for the last 3 days, other than I've been feeling really down and it shows in my eating. Let's just say my weekend included things like eating leftover chocolate frosting with a spoon. I didn't shower or put on real clothes all weekend. I don't know what's bothering me but I definitely need to snap out of it.

Now I am seriously craving a bowl of Special K but I drank all my milk last night. Considering taking a study break to go get some in the name of eating something remotely healthy.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Friday 6/25/10

Breakfast: D'Light sandwich, small coffee with cream.

Snack: Light baby cheese.

Lunch: Treated myself to Subway since it's Friday and I was too lazy to pack a lunch. Had a 6" oven roasted chicken breast with provolone, light mayo and tons of veggies. Baked Lays and diet soda. I only had about 10 minutes to eat so I probably ate more than I needed to.

Snack: 1 oz. dried cranberries, 1 oz. roasted peanuts.

Dinner: Went out to dinner with my parents and feasted. Bread with butter, bruschetta, half a caesar salad (there was way too much dressing on it), tortellini with tomato cream sauce, Godiva cheesecake, 2 glasses of wine. Holy moly I came home and collapsed into a food coma.

You know, I ate healthfully the rest of the day, so I'm just going to chalk that dinner up to indulgence. I'm fine with it. I think my overall eating habits are really improving.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thursday 6/24/10

Breakfast: La Favorita burrito.

Snack: Light baby cheese.

Lunch: Tuna on whole wheat made with light mayo. Lettuce/pickles/half a slice of reduced fat provolone (I decided halfway through the sandwich that I didn't like the smokey flavor with the tuna so I just took the cheese off!). Baked Lays, diet soda.

Snacks: Apple, Fiber One granola bar, tortilla chips with fat free refried beans/shredded cheese. The bean dip has become one of my favorite snacks ever. So satisfying and delicious! I'm going to switch to baked tortilla chips as soon as this bag runs out.

Dinner: Beef w/wasabi-garlic cream sauce, stir fried broccoli, whole grain rice medley. 1% milk.

Snack: Honey nut cheerios with a tiny sliced banana and 1%.

I ate a lot today, but it was generally healthy stuff. For some reason I've been craving insane amounts of milk. Maybe I'm calcium deficient, maybe it's just because I'm trying to limit myself to one soda per day and I get bored of water.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wednesday 6/23/10

Breakfast: Banana.

Lunch: Pei Wei kung pao chicken on noodles. Ate roughly half and took the other half home. Diet soda.

Dinner: Last leftover pork chop (which I only ate about half of), carrots vichy and a whole grain medley (brown rice, red and black quinoa). Man I love Uncle Ben's ready rice. So glad it comes in whole grain varieties. 1% milk.

Snacks: Special K with 1%. Later on, 8 crackers and 2 slices of cheddar cheese.

Even though I ate lunch out, I feel like today was a totally reasonable food day! Woot!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tuesday 6/22/10

Breakfast: D'Light sandwich.

Morning snacks: For some reason I was starving in class today! Apple, baby cheese, 1 oz. cashews.

Lunch: 2 slices of leftover chicken/artichoke pizza, no crusts. Baby carrots. Diet soda.

Afternoon snacks: Still starving in class. It was a looooong day. Fat free yogurt, 2 pickle spears (although not at the same time, blech).

Dinner: Chipotle, my usual. Not sure if the Chipotle version has the same amount of calories as the Qdoba version. I should check into that. Their website is NOT helpful.

Too few hours of sleep again. I am going to bed early tonight.

Monday 6/21/10

Breakfast: D'Light, Starbucks mocha light frap.

Lunch: Leftover soba noodles and steak with garlic-wasabi cream sauce, baby carrots.

Snack: 1 oz. dried cranberries, 1 oz. cashews.

Dinner: Came home from school starving and had to take Chad straight to the airport, so... McDonald's. Ack! Quarter pounder w/cheese, fries, diet soda. Although I didn't eat all my fries!

Snack: Special K with 1%.

Not enough sleep, bad food choices, and no exercise. Boooooo.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sunday 6/20/10

Breakfast: Honey nut cheerios with 1% milk and half a sliced banana.

Lunch: Sandwich with light mayo, reduced fat provolone, ham/turkey/chicken lunch meat (the super duper thin sliced kind), baby romaine and pickles on whole wheat. Cucumbers and carrots with ranch. Diet soda.

Snack: Fiber One granola bar.

Snack 2: Apple with peanut butter. Discovered that not only do I need to snack while in class, but also while writing papers. Hmmm...

Dinner: Leftovers - pork chop, risotto, carrots. Wine. THEN... oh boy. For dessert we took some of the leftover ganache, heated it up in my fondue pot (a gift from a very wonderful friend!) and dipped an entire pint of strawberries in it. So decadent. Still have to figure out what to do with the rest of the ganache. I'll think of something.

Didn't get to take that long walk because writing my paper took way longer than I expected. Ah well, tomorrow perhaps.

Saturday 6/19/10

Breakfast: Special K with 1% milk.

Lunch: Grilled ham and cheddar on whole wheat with tomato soup. It was kind of a rainy day and comfort food sounded so awesome.

Snack: Yogurt covered pretzels. Holy cow these things are dangerous.

Dinner: Green salad with baby romaine, cucumbers, carrots, sliced black olives, croutons and honey mustard dressing. 2 slices of pizza with garlic basil sauce, chicken, artichokes and black olives. I feel like this version of pizza is slightly healthier than traditional pepperoni, but I have no nutritional information with which to back that up. Cupcake for dessert. (They are almost gone! I might make Chad eat the rest of them.)

We sat on our butts and played WoW all day. It was awesome, but not much exercise! Will try to take a long walk tomorrow.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Friday 6/18/10

Breakfast: La Favorita burrito and a cupcake. Starting the day off strong, yeah!

Lunch: Rotisserie chicken sandwich from Snarf's with baked Lays and diet soda. Not healthy, but for some reason having guests in town always means me taking them to all my favorite places to eat. It's like how every time I go to Austin I have to eat Amy's Ice Cream, and every time I go to California I have to eat In N Out. I guess I must associate travel with food.

Dinner: Cooked at home, yay! It's SO nice to have someone to cook for who will eat normal food. Made pork chops with risotto and carrots vichy. Cupcake and 1% milk for dessert.

Okay so, I probably got 3 servings of veggies today. (I ate a lot of carrots at dinner.) Still a very high fat and high calorie day. However, we did take Merlin for a 45 minute walk, and spent at least 2 hours walking around the museum. The cupcakes are almost gone, thank god. I only made a quarter of the recipe, so only ended up with 10 cupcakes. That was a brilliant move on my part for sure, because have I mentioned they are like chocolate crack? Like whoa.

I'm also noticing that I'm hardly snacking at all since I'm not in class. I *must* do most of my snacking because I'm tired, not because I'm actually hungry. Getting enough sleep would be ideal, of course, but I wonder how else I can combat this problem. Sometimes eating a box of raisins is the only way to stay awake in class!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Thursday 6/17/10

Breakfast: Whole wheat french toast, skim milk.

Lunch: Tuna on whole wheat with reduced fat provolone, lettuce, pickles. Used light mayo to make the tuna, yay! Cucumbers and carrot sticks with ranch. Diet soda.

Dinner: Chad's birthday dinner. Sliced sirloin with garlic wasabi cream sauce, ginger teriyaki broccoli, soba noodles. Red wine. The sauce for the steak turned out to be AMAZING, and the rest of the dinner wasn't horrible as far as nutrition goes.

Dessert: Best. Cupcakes. Ever. I have to send you this recipe. I made ganache, rolled it into little balls, then stuck one ball in each cupcake before baking. They were like mini molten chocolate lava cakes. Worth every calorie, and I only ate one.

A wonderful day of homemade foods. At least a few servings of veggies! And I could control all the extra fat that would normally go into a dinner like that. Planning on some delicious pork chops for tomorrow.

Wednesday 6/16/10

Breakfast: Bagel with whipped cream cheese.

Skipped lunch because I was volunteering.

Snack: Strawberries with sweetened cream cheese dip.

Dinner: Jimmy John's sandwich: turkey, provolone, lettuce, tomato, mayo, avocado, cucumbers on white bread. Chocolate chip cookie. Diet soda. So bad for you but soooooooo good.

Snack: Sliced tomato with ranch.

Snack 2: Special K with skim milk.

I thought I ate horrifyingly today, but looking back it could have been much worse. I managed to get three servings, at least. Maybe 4.

Tuesday 6/15/10

Breakfast: D'Light breakfast sandwich.

Snack: Fresh cherries.

Lunch: Wendy's again. Here is where I fell off the wagon! Spicy chicken sandwich, fries, diet Coke.

Dinner: Red Robin. Bacon guacamole cheeseburger, ANOTHER serving of fries! Vodka lemonade.

Snack: Special K with skim milk.

Okay so, Chad is visiting and of course, I see this as an excuse to eat whatever the hell I want. I always do that on vacations or special occasions! Argh! Also, I was out of groceries too. I just didn't make any attempt at healthy choices while eating out. Kudos for making that effort, S!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Monday 6/14/10

Breakfast: D'Light breakfast sandwich.

Lunch: PBJ on wheat (with no sugar added jam), light babybel, baked Lays. Diet soda.

Snack: 1 oz. dried cranberries.

Dinner: The rest of the baked chicken torn up into a bowl of risotto. Soooo delicious. Wine.

Snack: Honey nut cheerios with skim milk.

Not the healthiest day ever. But I did throw away the rest of that marionberry pie after deciding that, although it was delicious, I really didn't need it hanging around the apartment.

I know it's time for week 3 goals but I am having a hard time coming up with something. It looks from the past few days like maybe I need to refocus on my fruits and veggies. Maybe I can try to get FOUR servings a day!

As for exercise, I again only managed one workout last week. Now that Merlin is home with me (and could stand to lose a few pounds himself) I'd like to make one of my exercise goals to take him on a long walk. Then I can do another, more serious cardio session on my own.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sunday 6/13/10

I wasn't at all hungry when I woke up today, which is highly unusual. So I just had a diet soda to get the ball rolling on the day and didn't eat anything until a few hours later.

Lunch: Baked chicken and a green salad with baby romaine, a few sliced black olives, cucumbers and tomatoes. Apparently the only dressing I have in my fridge is ranch, so I had that and made a note to buy a healthier option next time I'm at the store.

Snack: Slice of the marionberry pie that Linda sent me home with. Skim milk. Linda is the lady that took care of Merlin for the last year. She definitely shows her love through food. Every time I'm over there she tries to feed me and sends me home with food. It's sweet, but not great for the diet! I think for the rest of the pie I may only eat the filling and the top crust so as to cut back on the fat and calories.

Snack: That's right, another snack. Turns out dinner wasn't going to be ready until after 11:00, so I got hungry. Had a light yogurt.

Dinner: Beef stew! With barley, mushrooms, onions, carrots, celery and vegetable broth. Very healthy but rather "meh" on the taste scale. Also needed more fat. I was unsatisfied with my bowl of stew and craving something a little richer, so I had whole wheat toast with 1/2 tbs butter. That hit the spot. Wine to drink.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Saturday 6/12/10

Breakfast: breakfast burrito.

Snack: Fat free refried beans, sprinkle of shredded cheese, tortilla chips.

Lunch: Wendy's! It was everything I ever hoped it could be. Spicy chicken sandwich, fries and light lemonade.

Snack: Apple with peanut butter.

Dinner: Leftover Indian food. Chicken tika masala and naan. I was chowing away in front of my computer when I realized that I was full! So I didn't finish all the food, which is something I am not good at doing so I'm a little proud of myself. Skim milk.

So, today was not a healthy day by any stretch of the imagination. But, now that Wendy's is out of my system for another week or two I feel better. Tomorrow I will focus more on fruits and veggies since I hardly got any today.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Friday 6/11/10

Breakfast: Only 4 hours of sleep = Starbuck's. Had a mocha light frap and a banana. Then had a small slice of the breakfast casserole someone made for class - kind of like a quiche only with shredded potatoes instead of a pie crust. It had eggs, cheese, ham, and broccoli. Did NOT have a slice of the peanut butter brownies that someone else made for class - damn proud of myself.

Lunch: Since I'm planning on doing Wendy's tonight I went for a healthy lunch. Big salad with spring greens, cucumber, one slice of avocado, red onions, pine nuts, a scoop of tuna salad and yogurt dressing. Slice of french bread on the side. Diet soda.

Snack: Light babybel cheese.

Dinner: Whoops, totally forgot about this going away party! No Wendy's for me tonight. Had Indian instead. Arrived at the restaurant ready to eat my own foot and ordered too much food. Had chicken momos, cheese naan and chicken tika masala. Took about half of it home, though! One glass of wine.

Snack: Rice crispies with skim milk.

I ate a lot of food today, but it was a looooooong day. Almost 24 hours from the time I got up to the time I went to bed. So, considering that, it wasn't too bad.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Thursday 6/10/10

Slept late, straight to lunch.

Lunch: Campbell's broccoli cheese soup, diet soda. Not much of a lunch but I wasn't very hungry.

Snack: Orange, roasted pumpkin seeds, Fiber One granola bar. My small lunch definitely hit me in the afternoon with major hunger pangs.

Dinner: Drove past McDonald's on my way home and *almost* stopped. Went home and had a veggie burger instead, with reduced fat provolone, light mayo and veggies on a whole wheat bun with steamed corn on the cob and tater tots. 4 lemon Girl Scout cookies for dessert.

Snack: Raisin bran with skim milk.

Extra snack: Stayed up way too late and got hungry again. Plain bagel with 1 tbs butter.

It's been a really long time since I had any fast food. I've been craving it a ton so I might do Wendy's for dinner tomorrow night and just write it off as one of my few bad meals of the week. It would be a nice treat!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Wednesday 6/9/10

Breakfast: La Favorita breakfast burrito.

Lunch: Taco salad with 93% lean ground beef, fat free refried beans, black olives, a tiny sprinkle of shredded cheese, baby romaine, 5 crushed tortilla chips, and my own dressing made from two spoonfuls of salsa mixed with one spoonful of sour cream. I love that dressing because it's spicy yet creamy, and mixing the sour cream with the salsa makes a smaller amount go further.

Snack: Banana, light babybel cheese.

Dinner: Baked chicken, steamed corn on the cob, whole grain rice medley (same as last night, but man it was a good dinner, so I totally don't mind having it again!). Fiber One banana chocolate chip muffin and skim milk for dessert.

Snack: Microwave popcorn. Vodka with diet tonic. I had to ease the pain of doing this stupid assignment somehow.

I think this was another good low-fat day. Also got my 3 servings. Not bad for a long and stressful day.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Tuesday 6/8/10

Breakfast: D'Light breakfast sandwich. I switched to the english muffin kind instead of the croissant kind since they were slightly healthier.

Snack: Ate a few roasted pumpkin seeds during class, then realized I was only eating to stay awake. I do this quite often, actually. I need to get more sleep. Ate some strawberries later in the morning when I was actually hungry.

Lunch: Chicken noodle soup, light babybel cheese, 2 milano cookies. Diet soda.

Snack: Fat free refried beans with a little melted cheese, tortilla chips.

Dinner: Baked chicken, steamed corn on the cob (rolled in a tiny bit of butter), whole grain rice medley. Light yogurt for dessert.

Exercise: 30 minutes of DDR. Very fun workout!

I think I did a good job of eating lower fat foods today! The tortilla chips were probably fatty, as well as the melted cheese I put on my beans. The cookies were rich, too, but I only ate two. And I got enough fruit and veggies. So, I give myself an A- for the day.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Monday 6/7/10

Breakfast: Fiber One banana chocolate chip muffin. I thought this would be the perfect sweet treat breakfast at only 190 calories, but I was wrong. It didn't fill me up at ALL, and I immediately ate my morning snack when I got to class. So add an apple and a light babybel cheese to the list. I think I'll save these muffins for dessert and go back to my usual higher protein breakfast items.

Lunch: Green salad with 1 tbs ranch. Sandwich on whole wheat with 1 slice each of provolone, turkey, ham and roast beef, veggies, and 1/2 tbs thousand island. Diet soda. 1/2 cup vanilla ice cream. The cafeteria selection was way disappointing... I might not eat there again until they go back to full selection mode in the fall.

Snack: 1 oz. dried cranberries.

Dinner: Anger at my ISP and my neuroscience professor almost drove me to McDonald's. Instead, I went to the grocery store and ended up coming home with a more reasonable option. Had a veggie burger on a whole wheat bun with reduced fat provolone, my last two slices of bacon, mayo and veggies. Also baked up some tater rounds. Finished off the meal with some amazing strawberries. And of course a nice, soothing glass of meade.

Snack: Raisin bran with skim milk.

So okay, today was not a low-fat day at all. But I did buy reduced fat cheese and light mayo while I was at the store. Also got skim milk instead of 1%. And come on, my veggie burger was probably still half the fat and calories of an Angus burger from McDonald's. Baby steps.

Thought about doing some DDR before I sat down to study, but my belly was full of water and I didn't want to give myself a cramp. It does sound like a fun workout, though, so maybe tomorrow!

Week 2

Well, I think I about broke even on my goals for last week. I did manage to eat my three servings of fruits and vegetables on most days, and even though I didn't ever make it to the gym, I did a lot of active stuff like, oh... MOVING. I'm still sore, so I know I used my muscles!

This week I think I'd like to focus on eating less fat. I eat a lot of things like mayo, cheese, bacon, etc. that are full of saturated fats (as well as a lot of avocado, peanut butter and other unsaturated fats). I definitely won't give up mayo or cheese, but I can buy lower-fat versions. So, in order to make this a measurable goal, I will eat no more than two fatty items per day. This includes the above-mentioned mayo/cheese/bacon as well as fried things, fatty dressings, etc. Now, seeing as how it's already lunch time on Monday and I just now decided on this goal, I may have already exceeded my limit, but I will keep plugging away anyway.

For exercise, I will do two aerobic workouts and one strength workout.

Weight: 197 - didn't make any progress, but I'm not discouraged yet.

Sunday 6/6/10

Breakfast: I didn't get out of bed until lunch time, but was craving breakfast food. So I had another frozen breakfast burrito (the amazingly delicious, yet low-cal one).

Snack: Apple with 1 tbs peanut butter.

Dinner: Out with the parents. Bad choices made. I started off well with a green salad, but then my mom ordered these deep fried balls of deliciousness (the restaurant calls them blarney puffs - I think they have potatoes, onions and cheese, and come with a Guinness cheese dipping sauce). I ate one and a half of those. Then I ordered a cheeseburger and fries but, thankfully, only ate half. Damage control, you know.

Snack: Glass of meade, 4 whole wheat crackers, and 4 tiny cheese cubes (the ones that are like 7 calories each).

Exercise: finished unpacking my apartment. Shoved heavy things around for a good 3 or 4 hours. 'Nuff said.

I'm pretty sure I managed to get my 3 servings today. At least there's that!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Saturday 6/5/10

Moving day! I couldn't sleep last night because I was anxious and starving, so I got up at about 3 a.m. and ate 2 (tiny) slices of pizza and polished off my milk while watching an old Marylin Monroe movie. Finally passed out on the couch.

Breakfast: Starbucks grande white chocolate mocha frappuccino light - only 140 calories according to their website. Not bad for what is basically a coffee milkshake. Also had a breakfast sandwich there, with turkey bacon and egg whites on a whole grain english muffin. Upon review of the nutritional content, I should have just gone with my usual bacon/egg/gouda on a ciabatta roll - I only saved myself 40 calories. Not worth the sacrifice of deliciousness. Good to know for the future.

Lunch: BLT on whole wheat with avocado. Baked Lays. A few sips of meade to calm the stress of staring at the piles and piles of boxes stacked in my new apartment.

Dinner: I kept putting off eating dinner because I didn't want to break my unpacking rhythm. Finally gave in at almost midnight and, exhausted, stressed and lonely, ate ramen. Man, I make really bad food choices when I'm not feeling in control of things.

Looks like only about 1 serving of fruits/veggies today. I need to come up with a strategy to deal with my emotional eating habits.

Exercise: I moved! Good lord, I bet I burned a million calories. Whereas I usually sit for 95% of the day, today I hardly stopped moving at all!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Friday 6/4/10

Today was not a good food day. I was stressed out and exhausted, and I ate as such.

Breakfast: Friday mornings we have small group tutorials and every week someone brings breakfast. Today was blueberry streusel muffins and fresh fruit. I ate one muffin and at least a cup of pineapple/grapes/honeydew melon. Plus coffee with skim milk.

Snack: Kelloggs Fiber Plus Antioxidants granola bar.

Lunch: Tuna sandwich on a baguette with lettuce, tomato and provolone. Diet soda.

Dinner: Q'doba again, same thing as last time. Naked chicken burrito and a brownie, although I blame the brownie on my mom - she's the one who brought dinner. 1% milk to drink.

Exercise: a little walking and lots of packing. Again, not really an aerobic workout, but much more activity than I'm used to. My muscles are sore from yesterday, so I must have used them.

Tomorrow will be another loooooong day. Hopefully I can eat a little better.

Thursday 6/3/10

Breakfast: La Favorita bacon breakfast burrito. So much delicious and the package says they're only 210 calories. They can't, like... LIE on the package, can they? Because I find that a bit hard to believe for how good they are.

Lunch: I guess I never got around to lunch!

Snack: Tortilla chips and fat free refried beans with a little melted cheese on top. Diet soda.

Dinner: I was upset and feeling lonely, so I ordered a pizza. However, while it was on its way I filled up a little bit with carrot sticks and hummus. I ended up eating half the pizza, but it was only a small (10"). Could have been worse!

Exercise: I packed boxes all day and did house work. I even sweated at times. Does that count as exercise?

Overall, a pretty good day. I got a LOT done, and looking back I'm surprised I didn't eat more. Guess it helps to stay busy! I may or may not have gotten my three servings, though.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Wednesday 6/2/10

Didn't wake up until after 11 this morning, so I skipped breakfast and went straight to lunch!

Lunch: BLT - 100% whole wheat bread, 3 slices of center cut bacon, organic baby romaine, 3 large slices of tomato, and 3 slices of avocado. Couldn't skip the mayo completely, so I just put it on one side of the sandwich instead of both. Also had a delicious peach that dripped all over my shirt and I didn't realize it until I got to class - oops!

Snack: 1 oz. dried cranberries.

Dinner: Q'doba, same thing I always get there - naked chicken burrito with rice, pico de gallo, salsa verde, sour cream, guacamole and a huge heap of lettuce. 625 calories, according to their website. Leaving the cheese off cuts 170 calories! Also had a brownie, though... I let myself get irrationally hungry again. I need to work on that.

Snack: Raisin bran with 1% milk.

No exercise to speak of today. But I made my 3 servings of fruit/veggies again! Probably even more than that!

Tuesday 6/1/10

Breakfast: Jimmy Dean D-Light breakfast sandwich (turkey sausage, egg white, and cheese on a low fat croissant). These are so great for me because I can eat them in the car on the way to school and I still get a hot breakfast!

Lunch: Subway 6" turkey/ham with provolone, light mayo and lots of veggies. Diet soda.

Snack: apple and mini bonbel light cheese.

Dinner: homemade nachos! Tortilla chips, 93% lean ground beef, fat free refried beans, black olives, shredded Mexican cheese, diced tomato and 1/4 of an avocado. 1% milk to drink. I let myself get too hungry and ate too much.

Snack: light yogurt.

Exercise: walked to Subway and back (25 minutes). Not much, but a start.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Week 1

Here we are at week 1. This is one hell of a week to start a healthier lifestyle, but when is life ever NOT packed with stress and busy things? I'm going to grab the bull by the horns.

Starting weight: 196

Food goal for this week: eat at least 3 servings of fruit and/or vegetables every day.

Exercise goal for this week: work out at least once before moving day, then get lots of activity on moving day.

Feeling optimistic!