Monday, June 14, 2010

Monday 6/14/10

Breakfast: D'Light breakfast sandwich.

Lunch: PBJ on wheat (with no sugar added jam), light babybel, baked Lays. Diet soda.

Snack: 1 oz. dried cranberries.

Dinner: The rest of the baked chicken torn up into a bowl of risotto. Soooo delicious. Wine.

Snack: Honey nut cheerios with skim milk.

Not the healthiest day ever. But I did throw away the rest of that marionberry pie after deciding that, although it was delicious, I really didn't need it hanging around the apartment.

I know it's time for week 3 goals but I am having a hard time coming up with something. It looks from the past few days like maybe I need to refocus on my fruits and veggies. Maybe I can try to get FOUR servings a day!

As for exercise, I again only managed one workout last week. Now that Merlin is home with me (and could stand to lose a few pounds himself) I'd like to make one of my exercise goals to take him on a long walk. Then I can do another, more serious cardio session on my own.

1 comment:

  1. I think working on a particular goal until it becomes natural is a perfectly acceptable way to goal-set.
