Monday, June 7, 2010

Week 2

Well, I think I about broke even on my goals for last week. I did manage to eat my three servings of fruits and vegetables on most days, and even though I didn't ever make it to the gym, I did a lot of active stuff like, oh... MOVING. I'm still sore, so I know I used my muscles!

This week I think I'd like to focus on eating less fat. I eat a lot of things like mayo, cheese, bacon, etc. that are full of saturated fats (as well as a lot of avocado, peanut butter and other unsaturated fats). I definitely won't give up mayo or cheese, but I can buy lower-fat versions. So, in order to make this a measurable goal, I will eat no more than two fatty items per day. This includes the above-mentioned mayo/cheese/bacon as well as fried things, fatty dressings, etc. Now, seeing as how it's already lunch time on Monday and I just now decided on this goal, I may have already exceeded my limit, but I will keep plugging away anyway.

For exercise, I will do two aerobic workouts and one strength workout.

Weight: 197 - didn't make any progress, but I'm not discouraged yet.

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