Monday, June 28, 2010

Weekend of Woe

I have no good excuses for not posting for the last 3 days, other than I've been feeling really down and it shows in my eating. Let's just say my weekend included things like eating leftover chocolate frosting with a spoon. I didn't shower or put on real clothes all weekend. I don't know what's bothering me but I definitely need to snap out of it.

Now I am seriously craving a bowl of Special K but I drank all my milk last night. Considering taking a study break to go get some in the name of eating something remotely healthy.

1 comment:

  1. Awww Em, I'm so sorry you've been feeling shitty. Frosting with a spoon is a serious sign of bad-moodiness.

    You may want to consider getting some "healthy junkfood" to get you through. I like frozen yogurt, strawberries with fresh whipped cream on them and maybe some of those tiny microwaveable cakes.
