Saturday, June 19, 2010

Friday 6/18/10

Breakfast: La Favorita burrito and a cupcake. Starting the day off strong, yeah!

Lunch: Rotisserie chicken sandwich from Snarf's with baked Lays and diet soda. Not healthy, but for some reason having guests in town always means me taking them to all my favorite places to eat. It's like how every time I go to Austin I have to eat Amy's Ice Cream, and every time I go to California I have to eat In N Out. I guess I must associate travel with food.

Dinner: Cooked at home, yay! It's SO nice to have someone to cook for who will eat normal food. Made pork chops with risotto and carrots vichy. Cupcake and 1% milk for dessert.

Okay so, I probably got 3 servings of veggies today. (I ate a lot of carrots at dinner.) Still a very high fat and high calorie day. However, we did take Merlin for a 45 minute walk, and spent at least 2 hours walking around the museum. The cupcakes are almost gone, thank god. I only made a quarter of the recipe, so only ended up with 10 cupcakes. That was a brilliant move on my part for sure, because have I mentioned they are like chocolate crack? Like whoa.

I'm also noticing that I'm hardly snacking at all since I'm not in class. I *must* do most of my snacking because I'm tired, not because I'm actually hungry. Getting enough sleep would be ideal, of course, but I wonder how else I can combat this problem. Sometimes eating a box of raisins is the only way to stay awake in class!

1 comment:

  1. Could you knit or something in class? I find that what I really want is something to do with my brain in the background while listening to lectures. These things for me include: crossword puzzles (which are extra nice because they look like note taking and you can work on them sporadically), fiber crafts, and doodling. Alternatively take a really healthy snack (like plain carrots or celery) that you don't LOVE and that will guarantee you only eat when hungry. And if you eat carrots just because you're sleepy? No harm.
