Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Tuesday 6/8/10

Breakfast: D'Light breakfast sandwich. I switched to the english muffin kind instead of the croissant kind since they were slightly healthier.

Snack: Ate a few roasted pumpkin seeds during class, then realized I was only eating to stay awake. I do this quite often, actually. I need to get more sleep. Ate some strawberries later in the morning when I was actually hungry.

Lunch: Chicken noodle soup, light babybel cheese, 2 milano cookies. Diet soda.

Snack: Fat free refried beans with a little melted cheese, tortilla chips.

Dinner: Baked chicken, steamed corn on the cob (rolled in a tiny bit of butter), whole grain rice medley. Light yogurt for dessert.

Exercise: 30 minutes of DDR. Very fun workout!

I think I did a good job of eating lower fat foods today! The tortilla chips were probably fatty, as well as the melted cheese I put on my beans. The cookies were rich, too, but I only ate two. And I got enough fruit and veggies. So, I give myself an A- for the day.

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